Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Missing US Holidays

Can't quite figure out why there is no "Ground Hog's Day" here. Could it be because we are in the middle of summer? Could it be because there is no Bill Murray? Could it be because there are NO GROUNDHOGS? In a pinch I'd say a wombat would work. It is worth having someone to blame for the length of winter/summer.

And, today, is Mardi Gras.
Mar·di Gras (märd grä)
n. Shrove Tuesday, celebrated as a holiday in many places with carnivals, masquerade balls, and parades of costumed merrymakers.
from the french: mardi, Tuesday + gras, fat (from the feasting on Mardi Gras before Lenten fasting).]

Brisbane doesn't do any Mardi Gras. That isn't too big of a suprise or disappointment- Versailles doesn't either. Sydney, on the other hand has a big Mardi Gras party- and even a web page. It just isn't linked to Fat Tuesday. This year's dates: Feb 9 to Mar 2. I'm happy enough to have Mardi Gras being a big gay pride festival/parade- but why would you want to pick a random date?

I can be so rigid.

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