Monday, April 26, 2010

What was Ohio all about? The photo edition.

From Ohio Spring!
1. Family and Friends.
From Ohio Spring!
Kevin with his Aunt Sandra.

From Ohio Spring!
My mother and me... what is more wrinkled? me or my shirt?

From Ohio Spring!
My new camera has a very nice feature I forgot about. When you set the self timer, it takes three shots. This is shot #2.

2. Holidays. Saturday was Christmas. Sunday was Easter. And, Thursday was Income Tax Day!
From Ohio Spring!
If you look carefully, you can see some Easter elements on the mantel...

3. Gaming. The date for this trip was chosen to coincide with the 10 day gaming event, The Gathering of Friends. Thank you once again to Georgia and Steve for putting us up. We hope we can return the favor sometime soon.
From Ohio Spring!

4. Food. Even Kevin had compiled a list of what he wanted to eat while we were home. Here's a partial list:

From Ohio Spring!
You'll note I used the photoshopped version of the photograph trying to make this franchise look as appealing as possible to any Australian entrepreneurs that might be considering bringing a new fast food chain to Brisbane. Yes. Yes. Yes. Kevin and I will be there. Just don't add any stupid carrots!

From Ohio Spring!
I love grapefruit. I love Izze.

From Ohio Spring!
Vietnamese food! This year I only got to eat at Huong Vietnamese Restaurant - no time to go to the North Market. Anyway, this was new to us - without the required accent marks, it is Che 3 Mau- a dessert made with jello and 3 kinds of beans. The ice cubes are just a nuisance.

From Ohio Spring!
Seriously. Have you ever been more creeped out by a billboard? Breast milk satisfies??? Do they think that babies read? What is that coming from his mouth? Devil-possessed pea-soup-breast-milk? Don't anybody touch me for a while.

5. Spring! Although many would think me wishing an Ohio winter on everyone I love is cruel and unusual, it provides a person with a space from which to fully experience the magic and joy of spring! Ohio was having a very early spring and we spent the entire time without encountering snow or freezing rain. In fact, the leaves were unfurling on the trees. I think a slide show is in order!


Friendless said...

At the risk of giving you another bum steer, you can get wild Asian drinks like the one in the picture at the Anzac Square food court. If you go from the Japanese place around the corner towards the station there's a little stall. It's maybe the last shop before the station. However I think you need to know what to ask for, and it's all a bit mysterious.

NNV said...

Thanks, John. We'll check it out. This was our first ever beany drink so we have no standards! It was OK. Mostly, the fun came from the experimentation and wild mysterious Asian drinks will always provide that!

NNV said...

I'm doubting anyone who has reached this page through a Google Search will read this comment, but just in case: It seems that Google Images sends you the first photo as a silhouette of a dead tree. To paraphrase Monty Phython: "It's not dead. It's sleeping!" Deciduous trees lose all their leaves. This is what most trees look like through the winter and early spring.