Last night.
What would be our strategy to meet the zombie apocalypse?
Kevin had thought about this.
I can't really go into detail about his plan because, you know, you MIGHT be one of the zombies and MIGHT retain some memory of our strategy.
My plan was simple- though Kevin pointed out it would work much better in the US. Shoot myself in the head.
So, I guess I'll go with Kevin's.
We agreed that we couldn't hide Zelda with us. She just doesn't understand being QUIET- least of all when there might be zombies at the door. Or, children getting out of a car. I wanted to keep her in the backyard where we could continue to feed her and water her- at least as long as we had food and water. Kevin thinks we should let her go out the front door where she'd be better able to find food on her own. You know. Without us. Just in case there is no us. I say she'd never make it. Those big dogs next door tried to eat her last week- and they weren't even hungry.
Tomorrow is my day off. Acupuncture. Possible hair cut. Buy more canned food.
And, water.
Just in case.
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