Friday, October 12, 2007


Is this what happens when you date above your social sphere? or is anytime you date anyone who towers more than a foot above you. I'm good at that. It helps that I'm built for success.

But, I digress. (Note. Not digest. I haven't had the chance to eat supper. I just got home- 8 pm - and had to attend to the frog and then got sucked into blogland. What is wrong with me?)

First: We are CARRED! I'm not sure it is legal or if we've actually paid for the car, but we do have it in our driveway- or in John's driveway tonight. It has carried groceries. It has traveled to work. I have even gotten lost in it! (Not lost IN the car but whilst driving said car.) It is christened. I anticipate we might need to do something exhaust related sometime- it is pretty noisy. But, the important thing- the a/c is cool, cool, cool. As is the interior.

Second: Work. Gee. Last week was "neuro week". An ataxic cat and a wobbly, possibly seizuring dog. The cat I threw a diagnosis of toxoplasmosis at- just because it was the infectious neurological disease I knew and the dog seems to have disappeared after an exam and lab work. I was afraid she had an incurable, breed specific degenerative disease. Both really needed spinal taps but neither had one. I'm thrilled to say the cat is about 100% better now. And, I can only hope that the puppy has not been heard from because she is too. This week, however, has been a sad week. I lost two patients this week. Both were diabetic. Both had a second unidentified problem that prevented us from controlling their blood glucose. One we euthanized. The other poor girl died in the hospital awaiting surgery. Ugh. And, today. An is-it, isn't-it, no-it-isn't, yes-it-is uterine infection. (That's pyometra for those collecting scrabble words- build it on the dangling y from freeway or the mid-word a from participle or just grab that t from tantalize.) I called Rob in from his day off to help with the surgery and was a bit worried when he didn't think she had a pyo (when you are cool, you say things like "pyo" - you don't even need to be Australian.) Then, the uterus was all segmented up like she was carrying 6 week old puppies... but there were no fetuses to be felt through the uterine wall and PLENTY of smelly pus gushing out when the excised uterus was incised. So, we saved her life today. That one feels pretty good.

And, next- What else. Giant squid.

Stay tuned.

My heart goes out tonight to Pam and Ken. And, Sammy and Olive. And, Rusty and Whiskey. And, Zara.


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