Friday, November 16, 2007

Garden musings

I have been very, very fortunate. Ever since I planted that first flat of annuals we have enjoyed a couple days of showers each week. What's more- they have always come after one of my days off when I've stuck MORE plants into my garden. I've only had to tote buckets twice! And, now, my babies are starting to look bigger...It is time to get out and feed them.

All of this has led me to an unreasonable level of giddiness and ambition. In this 60 year drought, I'm looking at ALL the overgrown beds here and seeing flowers. My mission this weekend was to find rudbeckia and salvia to plant along the driveway. Some nice North American plants. And, relatively good with low water conditions.

I've even toyed with seeds- California poppies, cosmos (one of my all time favorites), sunflowers, moonflowers and morning glories. I have NEVER seen seeds here for either my favorite sunflowers- Italian White or Lemon Queen- or my favorite annual vines: morning glory, hyacinth bean, or moonflower- I imagine the latter may be too invasive in this climate. I miss them!

I suppose I SHOULD embrace this new home and try some Australian varieties. They'd undoubtedly be hardier and I could acquire a new appreciation of the country by going native. I can't say, however, that I'm too keen on the odd prickly flowers of Australia. But, I guess that was the point. I could maybe LEARN to LOVE them.

Before much else happens, however, I've got to get all the grass OUT of the existing beds. Ah, the most tenacious of weeds. Why won't you grow this well in the lawn?

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