Sunday, March 02, 2008

As it is in Heaven

As time passes by it becomes more and more difficult to sit myself down at my computer and take stock of the last 3 weeks and my trip to the US. On occasion I feel compelled. Those are the occasions when I'm not at home. On other occasions I feel overwhelmed. On this occasion, however, I feel lost. So, I'm thinking it is time to make a brief effort and then put it all behind me and be open to living now. Here.

My flight to the US was absolutely perfect. I had three seats to myself which had I been able to sleep would have been great for sort-of-stretching out. I find it near impossible to sleep when I board a flight at noon- even knowing that at my destination folks are settling into prime time and starting to doze off during commercials. Qantas was offering several great films to select between- but I kept remembering that "Kevin and I were going to watch that together one day"- and so I watched two low ranked films. Yes, two films I would never have jumped at the opportunity to see and one absolutely fabulous- best ever- weeping tears of joy and beauty film. That would be, "As It Is In Heaven". I got home and sent my sister right out to Blockbuster to find it so I could share it during our "Christmas" weekend with my family- but it was/is not available. It hasn't been released on DVD in the US yet. "As It Is In Heaven". Keep repeating that. You don't want to forget.

"Christmas" was fun- December isn't required for that. Roast beef. Family. Music. Presents. My mother had purchased a new Christmas tree from the dollar store. $1.00 tree at 90% off. We put it over our presents.

I made an afternoon trek down to Fairfield Commons Mall and, get this, bought a dress that fits. I'm now officially ready for both "Phantom of the Opera" (March 13) and "The Wedding of Terry and Sheree" (March 22). It is very cool...and completely thanks to my dear mother who not only chauffeured me around but helped me to pick out these togs.

She also drove me to Columbus for the Midwest Veterinary Convention, to Piqua to H&R Block, to the airport...

The convention: it was absolutely wonderful to see my old boss. Otherwise, I felt vaguely unsatisfied. Maybe it was the jet lag. Maybe I was expecting too much. Maybe I should have known that "Extractions made Simple" would be predicated on having fancy dental equipment that we lack. I did buy the clinic some new adjustable muzzles and Zelda a couple of new toys. (Zelda is having fun- but I'm still waiting for my first, uhm, irritable dog...or cat.)

Somehow, I feel like I managed to cram a real winter into my dozen days in Ohio. Warm days. Frigid days. Snow days. Ice days. Even a warm and snowy day- where I could and did take a long walk through Versailles. But the best was always having clear roads when I absolutely needed to be somewhere. Thank you. It was just what I wanted. (And, here I must stop to thank Ella for the warm, warm, warm coat that I'm still wearing. I must admit that I'm not made for a white or even an off white coat- but it isn't too disreputable and it is very, very warm. I think I said that.)

The flight back to Australia was as negative as the flight home had been positive. Instead of 3 seats to myself, I had one seat crammed in with two young Australian men. Instead of a magical, transformative movie experience, I watched three films that I seemed physically incapable of remembering the titles to. Instead of a great dinner and breakfast, I had the worst fish I've ever encountered followed by brick of eggs for "breakie". And, then they lost my luggage.

It never left LA.

I've never officially recorded my poor track record with "wheeled suitcases". I've had three. On my first one a wheel went flat. Yes. I had solid plastic wheels on this suitcase- just like you do. An edge of one wheel sheered off. Flat. Flat wheels don't roll. On my second suitcase one of the prop-up legs was knocked sideways. So, instead of pointing down to the ground where it might help the damn thing stand up, it points west. This means, if you stop wheeling the case, and walk away from it- it falls over. So, when I went home this trip my mom gave me her "wheeled suitcase"- the one she bought for last year's trip to Australia. I can forgive it getting lost. But, I'm having trouble accepting the fact that it "came home" minus one wheel and the corresponding leg. Ughhhh. If I thought that spending more for a suitcase would REALLY make it last more than 3 or 4 or 6 intercontinental flights, I'd make the investment. I'm just not convinced. But wheels. They are SUCH a great invention.

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